Pay Dues
How To Make Your HOA Payment
Annual Dues are Currently : $350 / year
Payments are due by January 1st each year
If payments are not received by January 11th, the account will immediately be sent to the attorney for collections.
To Pay Online, you must create a Resident Sign-in Account
To Pay By Check:
Be sure to include your new seven-digit account number (included in the top right hand corner of your statement) on your check. Caution: Do not address it to Community Financials as it may go to the wrong lockbox, please make the check payable to Country Hills Neighborhood Association.
Make Check Payable To:
Country Hills Neighborhood Association
Memo Line of Check:
Account Payment - Your Address (ie Account Payment - 1610 Oaken Bucket)
Mail Payment To:
Country Hills Neighborhood Association
PO Box 26078
Miami, FL 33102-6078